Evolution of TraumaGuard to Accurately Measure Intra-Abdominal Pressure via the Bladder - Sentinel

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  • Evolution of TraumaGuard to Accurately Measure Intra-Abdominal Pressure via the Bladder
  • Author Patrick Beer, DO, Leo C Mercer JR, MD, Tim McKinney, MD, Dipak Delvadia, DO, Marc-Alan Levine, Brian Hersh

Evolution of TraumaGuard to Accurately Measure Intra-Abdominal Pressure via the Bladder

Sentinel Medical Technologies (“SMT”) has developed and patented innovative technology to measure pressure in various body compartments, such as the bladder, muscle, and other potential spaces. This platform technology can be used in multiple segments within medicine. SMT has focused development efforts on The TraumaGuard Catheter System (“TG”) for IntraAbdominal Pressure (“IAP”) measurement required to detect Intra-Abdominal Hypertension (“IAH”) and life-threatening Compartment Syndrome (“ACS”).

Read More: https://sentinelmedtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Evolution-of-TraumaGuard-including-Bench-2-7-22.pdf